The story of Mavka: The Forest Song unfolds in the mystical Enchanted Forest, a realm sustained by the Source of Life. Mavka, the forest’s guardian, is tasked with protecting this magical land. Simultaneously, in a nearby human village, Lukas, a young musician, struggles to find a cure for his ailing uncle. Driven by desperation, he ventures into the forbidden forest, where he meets Mavka.
Their initial interaction is tense, but Mavka is captivated by Lukas’s music, leading to a bond that transcends their worlds. However, Kylina, a cunning businesswoman, manipulates the villagers into exploiting the forest for resources. She fabricates lies about Mavka and the forest creatures, turning the humans against them. Mavka, feeling betrayed by Lukas due to Kylina’s schemes, unleashes the Spark of Rage—a force that endangers the forest and the village.
In the climactic finale, Lukas uses his music to reach Mavka, restoring her trust in humanity. Together, they confront Kylina, exposing her greed and saving the forest. The film ends on a hopeful note, with humans and forest creatures finding harmony.
Trailer Breakdown:
The trailer highlights breathtaking animation, introducing the lush Enchanted Forest and its mystical inhabitants. It teases Mavka and Lukas’s heartfelt connection, the looming threat posed by Kylina, and the eventual conflict between the forest and the village.
Plot Details:
The film explores themes of love, trust, and coexistence, set against the backdrop of Ukrainian folklore. It combines romance, action, and environmental conservation in a narrative appealing to audiences of all ages.
Cast and Crew:
- Directors: Oleh Malamuzh, Oleksandra Ruban
- Producers: Iryna Kostiuk, Yehor Olesov
- Voice Cast: Natalka Denisenko (Mavka), Artem Pyvovarov (Lukas), Olena Kravets (Kylina)
Budget and Production:
The film was produced by Animagrad Animation Studio with a budget of $5 million. Its stunning visuals and cultural authenticity reflect meticulous craftsmanship.
Release Date:
March 2, 2025, with global distribution.
Mavka: The Forest Song is a poignant tale of love, redemption, and the power of music, blending folklore with universal themes in a visually captivating experience.